蒂森克虏伯电梯蒂森克虏伯电梯集团年销售额约5.3亿欧元,公司拥有43,000名员工,分布在全球65个国家800多个办公场所,使用着20多种语言。在摩天大厦、住宅楼、办公楼、星级酒店、机场和购物中心,无论您是在水平或垂直空间内移动,蒂森克虏伯电梯都将快速、安全及舒适地把您带到目的地。蒂森克虏伯电梯由六大业务单元组成,其中四个业务单元主要集中于地区性的电梯业务,包括:中/东/北欧、南欧/非洲/中东、美洲以及亚洲/太平洋。其他两个则是全球性运作的产业业务单元,包括:扶梯/登机桥以及无障碍设施(无障碍升降机、平台升降机以及家用别墅梯)。With sales of ?4.9 billion, ThyssenKrupp Elevator has almost 43,000 employees at more than 800 locations speaking more than 20 languages. In skyscrapers, residential buildings, office buildings, luxurious hotels, airports and shopping malls: whether you need to move upward or forward, ThyssenKrupp Elevator takes you there quickly, safely and comfortably.ThyssenKrupp Elevator is organized into six business units, four of which concentrate on the regional elevator business (Central/Eastern/Northern Europe, Southern Europe/Africa/Middle East, Americas and Asia/Pacific). The other two, which operate globally, are: Escalators/Passenger Boarding Bridges and Accessibility (stair and platform lifts, as well as smaller elevators for private homes).蒂森克虏伯电梯在中国作为亚洲/太平洋业务单元下的子公司,蒂森克虏伯电梯(中国)凭借卓越的质量和生产力,自1995年开始活跃在中国市场上。公司目前有员工超过2,500名,依靠密集的分公司、办事处网络、技术雄厚的本地化工厂和全球技术服务中心,蒂森克虏伯电梯(中国)为所有的产品系列提供新梯安装、更新改造和维修保养服务。我们的目标就是始终致力于提供有效经济的解决方案从而满足各种不同用途和要求。随时随地,无处不在。As a subsidiary under Asia/Pacific Business Unit, ThyssenKrupp Elevator (China) commenced its business in 1995 experiencing rapid growth thanks to superior quality and productivity. We have now over 2,500 employees with a dense network of branches and field offices as well as strong technical support of localized manufacturing facilities, Engineering Center and International Technical Service Center in China. We are committed to continuously offer efficient and economic solutions for a wide variety of applications and requirements. Anytime. Anywhere.人才政策蒂森克虏伯电梯(中国)诚邀英才加盟。遍布全国的生产基地、销售和服务维修站的紧密网络更方便为客户提供更便捷的服务。蒂森克虏伯电梯有着远大的发展计划,为年轻有潜力的人、有技术的员工和工程师营造一个富有挑战力而又有活力的工作氛围,提供有竞争力的薪资和职业发展前景。ThyssenKrupp Elevator (China) is seeking for talented people to join the company. We have currently a tight-knit network of production bases, sales and service sites which are close to our customers all over China. With the ambitious growth plan, ThyssenKrupp Elevator offers great opportunities to young potentials, skilled staff and engineers to work in a challenging and dynamic organization with competitive remuneration and career development prospects.在任何商业领域中,人是取得成功的关键因素。我们努力吸引人才,在关注公司未来的同时,注重培养和发展员工的未来。欢迎你们能够加入蒂森克虏伯电梯(中国)。People are a critical success factor in any business. We are committed to continually attract talented people and develop our employees future together with our companys future. Welcome all of you to ThyssenKrupp Elevator in China.蒂森克虏伯电梯在中国的员工始终坚持为全球提供乘客运输系统。我们坚持“移动,开创未来”的理念——这将是满足未来需求的最佳解决方案。ThyssenKrupp Elevator people in China are continually working on passenger transportation solutions around the globe. We are on the move, exploring future concepts-concepts that will be the state-of-the-art solutions for future need